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The Fool and The Judgment Tarot: Combination

Fool Judgment

In this article, we will talk about the combination of the Fool and the Judgment in the Tarot of Marseille. Starting from the Fool card, we can start by saying that it is about starting over, being open to change and exploring new paths. It is not an easy card to interpret, but it has many meanings that can be applied to different circumstances of life. When this card appears in a reading along with the Judgment Tarot card, it could be a sign that you expect a major change.

The Fool and The Judgment Tarot: Meaning in Love

When this card appears in a reading about love and relationships, the Fool could mean that you are ready to re-enter the dating world after a long period of absence. If your past partners have abandoned you, you may not be so quick to re-enter the process of finding someone. But if you feel that it’s time to bring a new person into your life, then this card may indicate a sign that it’s going to happen.

The Fool and The Judgment Tarot: Meaning in Work

If you are looking for some kind of change or a new experience in your work, the Fool’s Card may signal it. You may have been given the opportunity to explore a different aspect of your work than you’re used to. Or it could mean an opportunity for change in the way you do things day by day. You will have to make a choice and take the risk. Only then could you discover new motivations or skills that will help you achieve your personal goals faster than before.

Meaning in Money:

When these cards appear in a stretch on money and finances, they could mean that you may need to make some changes or new purchases. You could invest in something new that has strong growth potential. It can also indicate a loan of money. But since all financial decisions involve risks, you will have to weigh the benefits against the possible consequences of such an investment.

RELATED:  The Fool and The Stars Tarot: Combination


In this short article, we discussed the combination of the Fool and the Judgment in the Tarot of Marseille. When these cards appear in a reading, they can signal a number of different things depending on your life situation. If you’re looking for some kind of change or a new experience in work, love, money, or finances, the Fool’s Card might tell you it’s time to make changes! To successfully implement any major change, however, will require a bit of risk. You will therefore need to weigh the benefits and effects before making an investment decision based on one of these areas to which the cards refer.