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Ace of Swords Tarot: Meaning

Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords card in the Tarot is based on the importance of ideals, justice and in some cases even the force used in an exaggerated way to achieve something. It is a card that speaks of courage, determination, and a sense of honour, but you can also see a certain hardness. The Ace of Swords in the Tarot is therefore associated with the search for strength within us, but also with a certain aggressiveness.

This attitude is often not accompanied by a strong emotional charge, so you must learn to contain the feelings and emotions that affect your life. The Ace of Swords also reflects the commitment and fairness towards others, but always avoiding getting emotionally involved in them.

The card indicates that something or someone is pressing for you to become more focused on your inner path. It is a time when it is very important to never stop and follow your instincts. We must be aware of our actions and carry them out, but at the same time we must also learn to take into account the constantly changing balances.

You also learn to never give up a goal for fear of the price to pay. In the face of difficulties, we must be ready to become the best possible, learning from the past for the future.

Ace of Swords: Meaning upright

The card upright also indicates that it is necessary to make many sacrifices, but always not letting oneself be conditioned by those around us. The Ace of Swords speaks of the life that must be lived in an active way, always choosing the best way and the one that best suits us. Usually this card calls for order, so you will have to be stricter with yourself and mature your choices. In case of need, you will be able to oppose what forbids you a better path for your life.

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Meaning in Love:

The Ace of Swords card in the Tarot indicates that love will never have a specific purpose. This person you are interested in may not need a commitment that is too binding, so it is better than talking to them clearly to understand how to move.

Meaning at Work:

In this case, the Ace of Swords card in the Tarot represents an environment that allows you to make your choices without external interference or impositions, allowing you to develop what you want with greater tranquillity. You can work more independently and not feel controlled by those around you. As long as you are consistent with your decisions, you will be highly valued within your profession.

Ace of Swords Tarot: Meaning on the Reverse

Ace of Swords Tarot Reversed

The Ace of Swords on the reverse indicates slowness in making decisions. It can also be a sense of inability to do things we can’t get ahead. The card has to do with a certain indecision and with the lack of that will necessary to achieve something in practice.

It could also suggest that by not being able to choose the best possible path, you let yourself be negatively affected. It can happen from your loved one or even from others who surround you and make their desires prevail over yours. In this case there may be some difficulty concentrating and paying attention to what we do not really care about, we must pay attention to the fact that wasting time unnecessarily can be risky.

Therefore, this card also communicates a period of strong sadness and desolation, in which one is led to break down one’s goals. There may also be people trying to block you, maybe they don’t agree with your choices and what you want to do.

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Meaning in Love:

In love, the Ace of Swords on the reverse indicates a very complicated and problematic relationship. It could recommend that we imagine certain scenarios that are not so real, if we analyse the situation with a little more lucidity.

It is a period that requires commitment and strength towards the relationship, but we must also be careful not to overdo it. In some cases, it also refers to a very detached relationship, in which the two do not have a very strong connection.

Meaning in work:

The Ace of Swords on the reverse indicates a period of great fatigue and little desire to apply yourself with commitment at work, perhaps you also find it difficult to concentrate constructively. Work is one of the things that most affect everyday life, so you have to take these episodes very calmly and keep them under control, otherwise they could generate problems in all fields.