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Ten of Wands Tarot: Meaning

Ten of Wands Tarot

The Ten of Wands in the Tarot suggests that the path has finally ended. The difficulties are over, and the way is open to new opportunities. In many directions, the future stretches before you like an endless expanse of possibilities with perspectives that continue indefinitely, far from where you are now.

The power of the ten of sticks releases a very powerful energy, and this seems to be increasingly true in the last stages of an enterprise. Everything you carry with you is amplified more than the labours of the past. Your emotional endurance, determination and will become twice as strong.

You have made an extraordinary learning path that has led you to grasp all the best of life. Now you are ready to put into play everything you have learned. This also means leaving behind the obstacles that have slowed you down for some time, progress, emotional or mental qualms, doubts, fears, or prejudices and the last resistances that have prevented you from starting or changing something.

Ten of Wands Tarot: Meaning Upright

When the card appears upright, however, it is not as positive as you might think. In fact, it suggests that there are probably still challenges and responsibilities to be faced, but that the way forward is now clear and there are no more obstacles in sight.

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You have understood what you need. You have figured out how to do and where to go to achieve your goals, and this awareness helps you focus on it with greater constancy, strength, and enthusiasm. There is just enough time to do it accurately without haste, pushing you to act when it may still be too early.

You can be a little more cautious with your actions, keeping in mind that too many things together and quickly could lead you to failure. Experience has shown you that the best method is to proceed calmly and carefully, to leave nothing to chance and thus risk postponing everything or giving it up altogether.

The card also suggests that you should be more decisive when acting, but only in circumstances where this does not slow down or hinder success. Otherwise, it will be better to proceed with great caution, thinking about the final outcome and avoiding making hasty actions.

Meaning in Love

In love speaks of a moment of stalemate, there are obstacles or events to overcome, it may be appropriate to wait patiently and reflect. Maybe reconsidering what you’ve already done so far.

The consultant may not yet be ready to get closer to love, but neither to risk more. Or simply his insecurity makes him fear making a mistake by reminding him of those of the past. So he does not go beyond the limits he has unconsciously set for himself.

In this psychological phase, try to regain confidence in yourself. The courage to face situations and the ability to choose without waiting for fate to decide for you. In love, in fact, it is better not to wait too long before acting. Continuing to wait can be counterproductive by pushing in the end to live a passive relationship that risks becoming unsatisfactory and in any case risky for a good success.

RELATED:  Seven of Wands Tarot: Meaning

Meaning at Work:

The card can reveal that there are obstacles and situations to overcome before you can proceed with the desired result. At these stages you have to be cautious. Do not let your guard down and use lucidity to avoid making mistakes, which would only make you lose precious time.

Meaning in Money:

The card could turn out to be a sign of gain, although you will have to have patience to get what you deserve. There may be obstacles to overcome, difficulties in getting as much as you want without giving it up and where good intentions are not enough. You have to use the strong way while realizing that it can be counterproductive.

Ten of Wands Tarot: Meaning on the reverse

Ten of Wands Tarot

When the card appears inverted, however, it indicates that it is time to turn the page and change course. You are probably tired of a certain situation and want to leave it behind you, the card indicates that the right time has come to do it.

Meaning in Love

In love, the inverted card indicates that there may be a need to change place or person. This meaning could also refer to an occasional relationship. The situation is deteriorating and you have to make decisions to solve the problem, perhaps accepting the idea of having to give up your goal to safeguard the most important one.

Meaning at Work

Your work no longer satisfies you and perhaps the time has come to change, things are no longer what they used to be, it may be appropriate to make an essential decision for the future that you may have neglected so far.

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Ten of Wands Tarot in Money

The inverted card can warn you to curb your desire to spend if you find yourself in financial difficulties or if you think about buying something that maybe you can preserve better. It is possible that from this situation you will only be able to get out of this situation with your own efforts, so leave aside desires and think about the essentials.