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The Pope Tarot: Major Arcana 5 Meaning

The Pope

The Pope in the Tarot is card number 5 of the Major Arcana and is also known as the Hierophant. As you can imagine, it symbolizes faith and the bond with a higher being. Spirituality is the key to this card that has a lot to tell, changing its meaning if it comes out in a straight or inverted version. Let’s find out more about what it represents.

The Pope in the Tarot: Meaning of the Card Upright

The number 5 card in the tarot is a hyper-positive arcane because it does not allow compromises. In the straight version, it represents a man of faith who has built his life on the logic of commitment.

This person never denies his beliefs even if it means jeopardizing his own safety and physical safety. The figure symbolizes the example to follow for others, that is, an honest, self-confident and altruistic person towards others.

As for love, this card indicates the possibility of a new union, so we speak of a marriage. But also the birth of a child or in any case the family that expands. It means that you have to cultivate your relationships and take them to a higher level, perhaps legalizing them. If you are not married, it means that you may be living with your loved one.

As for work, this card symbolizes a fluctuating relationship due to the continuous struggle for prerogatives and problems related to authority. These difficulties, however, are overcome thanks to the excellent abilities of the subject who manages to achieve all his goals and give a turn to all the negative situations that he is in front of him.

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Meaning in Love:

Card is not negative in the field of love, on the contrary it gives us the confirmation of a strong and consolidated bond. A mature relationship that can lead to marriage or cohabitation. The figure therefore represents a solid, serious and sincere love.

Meaning in the Work:

The consultant will be engaged in a collaborative relationship with other colleagues, but this may require concessions on his ego and his prerogatives. So you have to keep aggression under control because you risk jeopardizing the professional relationships obtained over the years. If you are an entrepreneur, you will have a lot of work to do on your self-esteem and your ways of doing things.

The Pope in the Tarot: Meaning of the Reverse Card

The Pope

When the card appears in reverse, however, it indicates that you need novelty. To escape from what are the patterns that society has built around you and that you want something new. There are probably people who are making you feel pressured for your way of living or thinking. You must then get rid of it in order to find your peace.

In this period it is very important to be with friends and get involved, but above all not to close yourself in your world. The fear of going out of a certain comfort zone can affect your way of life and perhaps even lead you to make wrong decisions. Often seek the help of the most reliable friend who always has good advice ready to give you. Surely you could find the answers you were looking for so much.

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Meaning in Love:

In love, you find yourself having to deal with some uncertainties. Maybe there is something that you can not solve and this gives rise to thoughts that can sometimes shake the trust in the loved ones. At this time, therefore, it is essential to be close to the love of your life because only together you can overcome the obstacle.

Meaning in the Work:

In the work the card that is revealed on the contrary can indicate a change, hopefully for the better of course. It could therefore mean a fresh start, and this can make you feel extremely happy and excited about the future. Maybe it’s time to take flight and leave behind the anxieties of your previous job. In addition, you may have some news from the company you worked for. A new challenge that could help you achieve your goals, but you need to be open to this possibility.

In conclusion, we can deduce that the Pope in the Tarot is a card that indicates new possibilities. If reversed, it can mean uncertainty and fear of taking risks. The best strategy for you might be to take time out of your current situation as you explore what’s on offer elsewhere. There are probably people or opportunities waiting for you if you only dare to go and get them!