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Three of Wands Tarot: Meaning

Three of Wands

The Three of Wands in the Tarot refers to a moment of inner awareness, a new perspective that allows you to analyse your emotions and feelings. It is as if you are observing your life from afar, you see what is happening but you have no will to act. Your mind is occupied by other thoughts and as if you feel suspended in time and space, as if you were waiting for something that might or may not come.

Three of Wands in the Tarot: Meaning Upright

When the card comes out upright, it speaks of a very fortunate period of spiritual growth that leads to a new awareness, as if the whole thing has turned into something greater and you can simply observe it.

  • In love: It’s about a lucky, serene and quiet relationship. Able to give a much more prosperous future, you may think of having a child or moving house.
  • At work: By now you are aware of whom you have in front of you and you can rely on yourself. This period is useful for planning your future, both financially and professionally.
  • On health: Everything goes in the right direction, your life is much more serene and quiet, the problems are still present but despite this you feel better. Especially on a mental level, remember that positive thinking does so much and allows you to see the world in a much more rosy way.
  • In money: You may be thinking of a major investment or expense that can help you grow professionally and financially. If you are thinking of buying a house then it will be the right time, investments have a good outcome, so you will not have to worry too much. It is certain, however, that doing a careful check before spending large sums can guarantee an optimal result!
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We can therefore say that the card of the Three of Wands in the Tarot allows you to realize all your dreams, but on one condition, in fact all this will come true if you put the right effort into it. Unfortunately, nothing will be given to you.

Meaning on the reversed side

Three of Wands

When this card comes out backwards no action is required, you can continue to live as you have always done by observing the time that passes without any commitment. Maybe you are uncertain about the path to take to continue in life, so the card strongly advises you to wait and think well before acting.

  • Love: If you are not in a relationship you will feel strange, as if something is missing, but you can also be alone without problems. In fact, learning to be alone and spend a lot of time with yourself allows you to get to know yourself better and understand who is really the person you want next to you. In this way, you can avoid wrong choices or give yourself to people who do not make you feel good.
  • At work: Little news on the professional front and this could also be a fortune from certain points of view. On some occasions you will feel a bit of boredom, but still it is only a passing phase. You can use this time to think a little more about your future and maybe find some new path to take.
  • Money: The money will come only you will put effort and work hard, there will be no gifts or strokes of luck, only sacrifice and hard work. Despite this, you will not suffer, you will be fine with what you have and you can enjoy some tranquillity.
  • Health: Boredom makes you feel empty and drained. Try to distract yourself, find hobbies, and have a good time with the people who love you. Sometimes there are phases where you feel a little down, but distraction could be a valid help to get better.
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