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The Fool and The Chariot Tarot: Combination

The Fool and The Chariot

In this article, we will talk about the combination of the Fool and the Chariot in the Tarot. We often think of the Fool as a naïve and carefree character, but this is only one aspect of his personality. It also has an adventurous side. He bravely throws himself off the cliff, trusting that he will not fall to death. He faces each new challenge with optimism and enthusiasm, even if he doesn’t know what to expect or how it might turn out. The Chariot in the Tarot is associated with triumph over difficulties and obstacles, frequently due to hard work or sheer willpower. This means that you have the potential to exercise success for your goals!

The Fool and The Chariot Tarot in Love:

In love, this combination could indicate a union in which a person is so in tune with their emotions and with what they want from the relationship. The other person, meanwhile, is more fickle or even too emotional to the point that they tend to follow their heart instead of their head. This might be a good match in some ways because it will allow both of them to grow and learn from each other, but it could also indicate that one person is more likely to do something rash or impulsive due to the influence of the other.

Meaning in the Work:

The Fool and the Chariot are two Tarot cards that carry the same deep meaning. Together these cards are very positive because they can plan a new career path since they are often associated with commitment and intelligence. The Fool does not simply let obstacles get in his way but bypasses them or overcomes them also having a note of self-confidence. All this makes it an interesting mix with the Chariot that is sure to be able to overcome any obstacle that arises in front of it.

Meaning in Money:

In general, these cards also have a positive meaning for money. Furthermore, when these cards are combined, it can mean a new direction for your finances that is both exciting and challenging. The Fool suggests that you may have to take a risk with money or give it time to grow, but the result will be worth it.

RELATED:  Fool and Sun Tarot: Combination

The Fool and The Chariot Tarot: Final Considerations

Ultimately, when the Fool and the Chariot go out together, they can mean a number of positive aspects. They give you hope that thanks to dedication and persistence you can achieve your goals both in love and in working life. As long as you have a plan in place to get there, everything will be fine!